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    Register NOW for Bussing in September

    Registration is now open for the bussing for September! You must register annually for transportation for the next school year. You will need your child's student number which can be found in the TVDSB Parent Portal. This is NOT their OEN found on their report card.





    2023-2024 School Council Nominations

    Get involved this year, School Council needs YOU!

    Everyone is always welcome to volunteer or attend meetings.

    The first meeting in the new school year is on Monday, September 9th at 7:00pm in the North Meadows library. If you are wanting to be a voting member or run for a position the paperwork must be into council by September 26th. 

    See you there!

    Parent Portal

    Make sure you have registered for the Parent Portal.

    You will need to use the email address that the office has on file.